T6541 - 远程CO2浓度、温度、湿度变送器,以太网接口
Web Sensor with built-in CO2 concentration, relative humidity and temperature sensors.
A multiple point CO2 and temperature adjustment procedure leads to excellent CO2 measurement accuracy over the entire temperature working range; this is a must for process control and outdoor applications. The dual wavelength NDIR CO2 sensing procedure compensates automatically for ageing effects. The CO2 module is highly resistant to pollution and offers maintenance free operation and outstanding long term stability.
High precision capacitive polymer sensor ensures excellent long term calibration stability and ultimate accuracy. Dual line LCD is an advantage. Measured values are also converted to other humidity interpretation: dew point temperature, absolute humidity, specific humidity, mixing ratio and specific enthalpy.
The CO2 concentration is shown on the display or signaled by a color LED.
Processing and analysis of measured data:
- online in COMET Cloud
- COMET Database software
- integration into 3-party systems
保3 年

生产设施和仓库 - 监测存储条件和生产过程,温度范围 -200 ° C 至 + 600 ° C. 发送数据到 COMET Database 或者SCADA第三方系统。

数据中心,服务器机房 - 温度和湿度监测,数据中心监测,机架,包括洪水状态报告,开门/关门(窗户),运动,烟雾。SNMP监测,通过Email和Syslog远程报警。

医疗和实验室 - 监测运输和仓储过程中的温度,可测到 -200 °C.

工业和制造业 - 食品,药品,航空航天等行业的温度和湿度监测。

食品行业 - 根据HACCP标准对关键过程进行监测,并且可以及时通知那些可能导致货物降解的无法预料的事件。
* 产品特点根据设备型号而异